Selection Results

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5182-0716 (100/pk)
Screw top vial, 2 mL, amber with write-on spot


5181-8872 (100/pk)
Vial insert, 250 µL, deactivated
glass insert with polymer feet
-or- 5183-2086 (500/pk)
Vial insert, 400 µL deactivated glass flat bottom

5182-0720 (100/pk)
Screw top cap, blue, PTFE/white silicone septa

We recommend a silanized glass insert to prevent adsorption of analytes, chelation or other issues that may occur from the interaction between glass and the type of compounds in your sample. All Agilent inserts are designed to fit perfectly in our vials and to create a secure seal with the cap.
While you may consider polypropylene vials, it is not recommended you use them in this case because you indicated your sample is light sensitive. The amber vial will protect your sample from damage.
Find out where to buy Agilent vials and caps:



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